
Improving Dental Health: Advanced Solutions for Periodontal Disease and Jaw Bone Challenges

Written by John Mady DDS MS FAGD AFAAID | October 26, 2023

The idea of getting dental implants can be a life-changing decision for individuals suffering from periodontal disease and bone problems in the jaw. Many people mistakenly believe that these conditions automatically rule them out as candidates for dental implants. However, with advancements in dental technology and procedures, this is no longer the case. In this blog post, we will explore the reasons why periodontal disease and bone problems in the jaw do not necessarily disqualify you as an implant candidate and how you can still achieve a fresh start for your oral health.

4 Reasons Why Periodontal Disease and Jaw Problems Don't Disqualify You as an Implant Candidate:


1. Removal of Bad Teeth Eliminates Deep Pockets and Periodontal Disease

One of the primary concerns with periodontal disease is the development of deep pockets between the gums and teeth. These pockets harbor harmful bacteria that can further deteriorate gum and bone. However, when teeth affected by periodontal disease are removed, the deep pockets disappear along with the infected teeth. By eradicating the source of the disease, the progression of gum and bone problems is halted, allowing for a clean slate for your dental health.  


2. A Fresh Start for Dental Health

Now that the periodontal disease has been addressed, proper homecare is still imperative however the prognosis of your new dental implants is exponentially better!  Dental implants can be placed in a healthier environment, making a long-term prognosis inevitable.


3. Tooth-Supported Bridges for Teeth with Guarded Prognosis

For individuals who wish to hold on to some of their existing teeth that have a guarded prognosis with respect to periodontal disease, dental implants are not recommended, and a tooth-supported bridge can be an alternative solution. A tooth-supported bridge involves using the adjacent teeth to support the replacement tooth, effectively "bridging" the gap left by the missing tooth. This option provides stability and helps preserve the alignment of your remaining teeth while addressing your smile's aesthetic and functional aspects.  On average, a tooth-supported bridge may not last as long as dental implants, but both solutions can last a lifetime. 


4. Bone Grafting for Jaw Bone Problems

If your jaw bone has been affected by bone loss, it doesn't necessarily mean you can't have dental implants. In many cases, bone grafting can be performed to augment the jaw bone, providing a solid foundation for the implants. Bone grafts involve adding bone material to the weakened areas, stimulating new bone growth, and creating a sturdy base for the dental implants.  As dentists, we also can recontour bone so that bone grafts can be avoided, which saves time and money during treatment.



Periodontal disease and jawbone problems no longer mean you cannot benefit from dental implants. By removing bad teeth, eliminating deep pockets, and proper dental care, you can achieve a fresh start for your oral health. Additionally, tooth-supported bridges offer a viable option for those with some teeth affected by periodontal disease. Furthermore, advancements in bone grafting techniques have made it possible for individuals with jaw bone problems to become successful candidates for dental implants.


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Dr. John J. Mady is an implant dentist in Maywood, NJ, with over a decade of experience placing and restoring dental implants. He is a New York University College of Dentistry graduate, a Fellow of the American Academy of General Dentistry, and an Associate Fellow of the American Academy of Implant Dentistry. Dr. Mady is passionate about implant dentistry because it can help improve form and function, leading to a healthy smile that can last a lifetime.