Are you a candidate for dental implants?

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Successful implants with bone loss

The tissue beneath your teeth anchors and secures dental implants, but for many people, their bones have deteriorated over time. People lose bone in their mouths for many reasons, and getting dental implants sooner than later after a tooth loss is crucial. Luckily, there are three procedures for building bone:

1. Bone grafting
2. Sinus lift
3. Ridge augmentation

Find out how to build up your bone for dental implants

Learn about the causes of bone loss, plus what foes into each procedure for building bone in this brochure.
AAID Building Bone Brochure FINAL
Download Brochure

Training & Expertise Matters

AAID-credentialed dentists invest significant time and energy into dental implant-focused training, above and beyond their basic dental and/or specialist education.

Because they have a thorough knowledge of all aspects of dental implants and treatment options, they understand the big picture — and they’re dedicated to putting your smile, your needs and your health first.

12 Questions to Ask When Choosing an Implant Dentist

Before selecting a dentist, it's important to ask the right questions. Download and bring this list of questions to your initial consultation.

Download Printable Worksheet

Have a question about dental implants?

Ask a Dental Implant Expert

  1. You Ask: Describe your question so we can better understand your needs. 
  2. We Connect: We will connect you with an AAID dentist near you to get the answer for your question. While you wait for a response, you can visit the FAQs page to read answers to frequently asked questions. 

Dental Implants: Do you know all the facts? Take the quiz and find out!


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