More Smiles: A Tangible Benefit of Dental Implants

By AAID Life Smiles on February 14, 2022

A Tangible Benefit of Dental Implants

A smile seems like a simple element in life — something automatic that produces good feelings. In fact, smiling is universally recognized as a sign of happiness and is our first facial expression at birth. Unfortunately, effortless smiles are often a challenge for people missing teeth. Embarrassed by their appearance, many people with missing teeth work hard not to expose their smiles by covering their mouths with their hands or forcibly keeping their lips locked. But smiling is more important to a happy life than you may realize. Smiles have surprising benefits for your health, your social connections, and even your professional life.

Abby says: "It’s honestly a game-changer, and I remember the first day when I came home with these dental implants, I looked in the mirror... and I said thank you for making me feel beautiful."

To learn more about Abby's story and what other patients have to say, go to

Health Benefits of Smiling

Smiling contributes to good physical and mental health.

Smiling boosts your immune system. The physical act of smiling causes your brain to release tiny molecules called neuropeptides, which help fight infections and keep your immune system strong.

Smiling reduces stress, even if you are faking a smile that you don’t really feel. Research shows that smiling can lower your heart rate and blood pressure. Smiling also makes you feel more confident, which, in turn, contributes to better physical and mental health.

Smiling improves your mood and makes you feel happier. The brain releases three chemicals when you smile: endorphins, serotonin, and dopamine. These hormones elevate your mood and increase positive thinking – even if you imitate a real smile but are feeling upset or sad. Research shows that one smile can generate the same level of brain stimulation as 2,000 chocolate bars or $25,000.

Smiling reduces pain. Another benefit of the endorphins, serotonin, and dopamine released when you smile is that they relax the body and reduce physical pain.

Smiling can lead to a longer lifespan. By combining a positive mood, lower stress, and a stronger immune system, smiling has been proven to increase lifespan.

Social Benefits of Smiling

Smiling plays an important role in forming relationships with other people.

Smiling makes you more appealing to others. Research shows that people who smile widely and often are perceived by others as younger, healthier, more attractive, more likable, more capable, and more trustworthy.

Smiling makes you appear more approachable. Essentially, smiles are contagious because the brain mimics what it sees. So If someone smiles at you, you’re likely to automatically smile back. In fact, about 50% of people will smile back at you if you smile at them. As a result, people perceive you as more approachable, leading to more social connections.

Smiling improves your relationships. People with positive emotions, including those stimulated by smiles, are better at bonding, cooperating, and other interpersonal skills that lead to more stable relationships. Furthermore, research shows that people want to spend more time with people who smile.

Smiling makes you sound friendly. That’s right! One study proved that people can detect when a speaker is smiling on a telephone call and they interpret this as being more friendly.

Professional Benefits of Smiling

Smiling can provide a subtle influence on your career success.

Smiling increases your promotability. People who smile more are more likely to be promoted than those who don’t.

Smiling implies success. People who smile regularly appear more confident and capable to others, which people infer as being more successful.

Smiling increases your productivity. People who smile more and feel happier are better performers at work. Happy employees are more productive, more energetic, get better performance reviews, are promoted more, and earn a higher income.

It’s Undeniable: Smiling Improves Your Life

Smiling is – and should be – a powerful daily component of your life. Frequent smiles, even if you’re faking some of them, lead to greater happiness. So if you’re on the fence about getting dental implants, think about how much a wide, open smile can help improve the quality of your life — physically, mentally, socially, and professionally. Take the first step now by talking to a qualified dental implant specialist.

To find an AAID-certified dentist with the highest qualifications for dental implant surgery, go to Or go to for more information about the benefits and types of dental implants.

Smiling Fun Facts

  • Smiling uses between 5 and 53 muscles.
  • People detect smiles from as far as 300 feet away.
  • Women smile more than men – an average of 62 times a day for women compared to 8 times a day for men. Children smile the most at roughly 400 smiles a day.
  • There are 19 different types of smiles – 6 of them occur when we’re genuinely happy and 13 express other feelings, such as politeness or embarrassment.
  • Some animals smile. In fact, dogs have a sense of humor and can even laugh.
  • 47% of people notice your smile first.
  • People remember your smile – 48% remember your smile while only 25% will remember what you said.

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